Monday, February 1, 2016


No, not SPACE!  Actual physical space.  Want to build big?  Then you're going to need a big space to put the finished product and an even bigger space in which to store the bricks to build it.  LEGO rooms are optimal, you can dedicate space to cater all you're needs without being an inconvenience to those who live with you.  For a castle you're going to need a decent sized table too, unless you want to build on the ground, and unless you're under 30 let me tell you the floor is no place for a grown man, not unless you happen to be friends with a good physiotherapist.  

Of course, I don't have a LEGO room, not anymore.  Not since the birth of my son, Aidan.  Also pretty much the reason why I've hardly built in the last three years.  I decided this wasn't going to stop me.  Weeks beforehand I started dropping hints.  Subtle ones at first, pining for my lost LEGO room, lamenting the inconvenience of my hobby being packed away into a corner to gather dust.  Then picking up momentum with comments like, 'I guess I could do a little building on the kitchen table, right?  Hon?'  Maybe do a little sorting to stake your claim. Don't push it too far.  Ease them into the idea by starting small and slowly raising he anti with comments like, 'you know, I've never built an actual castle?  I guess I won't get the chance to now...'  Pathetic, I know.  But keep in mind I'm playing the long game here.  Then one day, BOOM, the entire table is covered in drawers and baggies and trays full of light bluish grey brick.  The table is mine.  I've laid the ground work, set the tone, adjusted the pretense.  
There's no going back short of a dinner party with my boss.

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