Sunday, March 13, 2016

Roofing Issues

Although not exactly what I originally planned I wasn't displeased at all with how the roof came out in the end.  At first I wanted to have the roof slide out as one single piece once the back wall was removed but it proved clunky and a little destructive.  You can see the horizontal slots in earlier pictures of the interior.

I even made the roof section a stud narrower but it didn't do much to alleviate the problem.  The stress was so great I ended up leaving it 1 stud short of the original width, which adds a small design aesthetic that only the creator can truly appreciate.

Intentionally crooked
The above shot really makes me want to work out some kind of lighting solution.  This model would really benefit from a model lighting kit or something.  I still need to work out a better solution for the flagpoles - I'll probably just use some flexitube in the end, a anything else makes them look too segmented and unnatural.

I've already started on the next level which I plan to include a grand balcony, a dinning hall and maybe a medieval loo.  Let's hope I can get at least two of those features in, I already foresee part shortages and even have a Bricklink tab open as we speak.  If only the Australian Dollar was worth anything anymore ... why am I always building when the local economy is going to the dogs?

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